Thursday, April 26, 2012

Indoor plants take special care

Adding bit of nature with indoor plants brings color and beauty into your environment year round. Indoor plants provide a low-cost interior design option, whether you need to brighten a room or create an elegant foyer.

The ideal temperature for indoor plants ranges from 50 to 75
 degrees Fahrenheit in the daytime and from 60 to 70 F at night.

Most indoor plant varieties require indirect sunlight or shade. If a window is the primary source of light for your indoor plant, keep in mind that a window facing south has the most intense light, whereas a north-facing window has the least. Be aware of any light- or dark-colored reflective surfaces around the plant such as curtains, desks and counter-tops that may increase or decrease the intensity of the light reaching the plant.
The best way to determine if your indoor plant needs water is to check the soil near the roots. Typically, the roots will be near the bottom two-thirds of the container. Water the soil until water runs out of the container drainage hole. Do not let the container sit in water. There are many commercial products that can be inserted into the soil of your plant to help test for dryness and even add moisture as needed.

For those with experience, checkout the clearance plants, if they are still green and just need special love and attention, it’s a great way to get plants cheap!!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

How to Make a Homemade Hummingbird Feeder Using 2-Liter Pop Bottles

The 2-liter pop bottle hummingbird feeder mimics a natural plant the bird normally feeds from.

Home birdwatchers often install commercial hummingbird feeders to attract colorful and tiny hummingbirds to their yards. You can make a homemade version of a hummingbird feeder for the same purpose. These feeders dispense liquid nectar rather than seeds or suet, common with other bird feeders. This homemade version uses a 1- or 2-liter pop bottle as the container to hold the nectar. 

o    1
Cut a hole in the bottle cap. Drill the hole with a 3/4-inch drill bit, or drill numerous smaller holes around the perimeter of the planned 3/4-inch hole and cut the spaces between the holes with utility knife.
o    2
Glue the bottle cap to a 1/4-cup plastic container. Use a hot glue gun to build up four glue blocks that connect the outer sides of the bottle cap to the inner sides of the 1/4 cup plastic container. Make sure there are gaps between the glue blocks to provide access to the nectar that will accumulate in the bottom of the container.

o    3
Use hot glue to attach the hanger to the bottom of the pop bottle. Bend light wire to form the hanger, and glue the ends to each side of the bottle. Make sure the hot glue does not cause a hole in the bottle plastic.
o    4
Add red plastic flowers to the container. Remove any centers in the flowers to create an opening in the middle of the plastic petals. Use the hot glue gun to attach the flowers to the container-and-cap assembly so the bottoms of the flowers extend below the bottom of the bottle cap in the assembly.
o    5
Fill the pop bottle with hummingbird nectar. Attach the bottle-cap assembly and turn the bottle upside down. If there are no air leaks, the container at the bottom will fill but not overflow. The hummingbirds will access the nectar by inserting their beaks through the centers of the red flowers.

Tips & Warnings
·         A 2-liter pop bottle will make a rather heavy hummingbird feeder when full. A 1-liter bottle will require more frequent filling but is easier to handle and will put less stress on the tree branch the feeder hangs on. Replace the nectar at least every week to prevent spoilage.
·         Painting the bottle is optional. Add decorative flowers to the bottle to make the feeder more visually pleasing.

Monday, April 16, 2012

titanic true story

ok, its a beautiful day outside, but instead of sharing business, lets share this great story. Im sure you all remember the heart diamond from the Titanic...well, I found the true story and a pic, so please enjoy!!!

On the tragic night of April 15, 1912, as the couple left their cabin and scrambled to the lifeboat area, Morley had quickly put the necklace around his lover’s neck. Phillips was saved when she got into Lifeboat No. 11, where she would spend the next eight hours. Morley was lost to the sea.

Phillips lived in New York after the rescue, but then returned to England after four months when she had discovered that she was pregnant with Morley’s child. The baby, Ellen Mary, was born on January 11, 1913. Kate later remarried. When Ellen was grown, she worked for years trying to have Henry Morley’s name added to her birth certificate, but she was never successful. The sapphire necklace, named “The Love of the Sea,” was a highlight of a Titanic display in Belfast for some years, but when Ellen fell on hard times in the 1990s, she sold the necklace to a buyer in Florida, who still possesses it. Ellen died in 2005 in Worcester, England.
 ·  · 

Friday, April 13, 2012

Spring Silk Arrangements

Happy Saturday everyone, new piece we made today...Tell us what you think, and if you are interested in this or something else, we can help. Have a safe weekend!!!!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Easter Lilies: Tips for Best Blooms

Easter Lilies: Tips for Best Blooms
LILLIESFor Easter, a single plant has grown as symbolic of the holiday as colored eggs: the elegant Easter lily . If you're the lucky recipient of this gem, here's how to keep yours healthy and beautiful.
  • Remove the protective sleeve from the pot, because it can encourage root rot.
  • Set the plant in bright, indirect light, away from drafts. Keep the temperature at 60 to 65 degrees F during the day and slightly cooler at night.
  • When plants bloom, remove the yellow anthers to prolong bloom life and prevent pollen from staining your clothes and skin. Cut off spent blooms, and water when the surface is dry to the touch.
Once the plant has finished blooming, you can plant it outdoors. Easter lilies are hardy to Zones 6 to 9 (some cultivars to Zones 4 or 5). When danger of frost has passed, plant.